Requires participants to have completed at least one antiracist foundational training prior to joining this series.
DEI training or workshops that are not specifically focused on race are not considered antiracist foundational training.
A practice model for addressing disproportionality and disparities. The model outlines five areas of workforce focus that features:
1) Data Driven Strategies
2) Leadership Development
3) Development of a Culturally Competent Workforce
4) Community Engagement
5) Cross Systems Collaborations
6) Training Defined by Anti-Racist Principles
7) and an Understanding of the History of Institutional Racism and the Impact on Poor Communities and Communities of Color.
Groundwater implements a continuous circular methodology involving baseline data collection, regularly measured, monitored and modified towards improved outcomes.
Participants are asked to bring data from their organizations that shows disproportionate outcomes requiring improvement as we move towards racial equity. This will be used during the workshop to practice the model and will be the focus of improvement.
The Groundwater Analysis of Racial Inequities® is a workshop offered by Joyce James, a national racial equity trainer, who focuses on systemic rather than individual factors that inhibit the ability of systems and institutions to achieve their vision for racial equity. Ms. Joyce has helped transform health and child welfare agencies and organizations in Texas and across the country.
Antiracist Results Based Accountability for Leaders Requires participants to have completed antiracist foundational training prior to joining this series. DEI training or workshops that are not race-centered are not considered antiracist foundational training. “Equity & Results' training is for leaders and decision-makers within organizations, communities, and/or collaboratives. The workshop is for individuals with an intermediate/ advanced understanding of individual, institutional and structural racism. It will provide participants with a methodology to bridge the gap between understanding and feeling the impacts of racism and developing strategies to undo racism in institutions and structures.”